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“At the DGP Congress in 2005, I had the pleasure of speaking about the advantages of the device and first experiences. I now have 2 old Veinlite 220 devices and for a year also the new MedTech phlebo floor-standing device with LED technology. The daily benefit of finding deeper or spastic vessels for sclerotherapy is immense, the success rate is significantly increased, fewer extravasations, fewer complaints during sclerotherapy.
Intraoperative use is also of great benefit in order to aesthetically improve the surgical result by simultaneous obliteration of reticular veins. Billability according to GOÄ (section 750) should not be left unmentioned. I do not want to do without this practical tool and I highly recommend it to any phlebologist and dermatologist. ”
"I have been using Veinlite and the successor MedTech phlebo LED for over 10 years. Both devices are indispensable in my everyday phlebological life. I use it on the one hand for spider veins treatment in the search for feederveins and preoperatively for sclerotherapy of small and medium - sized veins, both in liquid and foam sclerotherapy. This will make my work significantly easier with improved therapy success. "
"As an oncology general practitioner, I am used to making venous accesses, even under the most difficult conditions. However, since I got the Veinlite system, my hit rate has improved significantly. Frequent venous puncture is a considerable burden, especially for cancer patients, and a central port system can only be set up in exceptional cases. The joy on both sides is all the greater when, thanks to the effective vein display, this small “miracle” device makes it possible to draw blood or infuse right away. In the short time it has already become an indispensable help, which saves me time and a number of drops of sweat.
In mesotherapy, I use the Veinlite for spider vein treatment and to find hidden veins, for example in the facial area, to avoid puncture and subsequent unwanted hematoma formation in the various injection methods of aesthetic medicine. "
“In fact, the Veinlite system is indispensable for the responsible desolation of small-caliber veins.
The veinlite system has also proven itself on another level. We have a high operative volume .. Numerous patients have veins that are difficult to detect on the often greasy arms, which can be a challenge for the anesthetist when needling. With the help of Veinlite, we have been able to identify a vein in the subcutaneous area a few times and successfully insert a needle, ”
“I use my Veinlite both in the clinic and in my ordination as a venous specialist. Since I used the Veinlite for the first time, I haven't had a single spider vein sclerotherapy without this great support. The hit rate is much bigger and the nutrient veins are much, much easier to find. Therefore the sustainability of my intervention is much greater. It is also great how simple and uncomplicated this device works and how quickly and efficiently I can now clear veins.
For me it is clear: No sclerotherapy of spider veins or reticular veins without Veinlite! "
“Since we started using several Veinlite hand instruments in our department, the unsuccessful“ puncture attempts ”have been reduced from 8-10 to 1-2 in difficult cases!
As an interventional radiologist, I work with my teams on a regular basis with patients with difficult venous conditions on the peripheral veins, such as dialysis patients.
Or patients with vascular diseases in whom all superficial veins have been used for bypasses. Or patients whose veins are thin and fragile after lengthy chemotherapy. For all of them, the setting of a venous access due to the numerous attempts so far and the associated pain has been a considerable psychological burden. The patients and my teams were enthusiastic about this small but very effective innovation. ”
“Veinlite offers two major advantages in phlebological practice: First, the feeding veins of spider veins can be quickly identified and targeted sclerotherapy. Secondly, Veinlite enables rapid and safe sclerotherapy of reticular varices even in the lying patient, since the vein in question is well represented and the exact intravascular position can be checked by lightening the vein during the injection.
When I use Veinlite for demonstration purposes, I often look into astonished patient faces. Ergo: Veinlite impresses both the doctor and the patient.
M a veinlite in our practice community has filled the previously unpopular niche of microsclerotherapy completely and very satisfactorily. "
“I use my Veinlite every day with great success. The number of permanently removed spider veins and nutrient veins has improved significantly since then. I explain it this way: If you inject a spider vein without Veinlite, it is like "picking the leaves from a tree one by one". When you use the veinlite, you see the smaller branches or even the vein trunk, and you can inject where the evil is rooted.
After 15 years of experience with more than 20,000 patient applications, I can report the following results:
1.I can work faster, the patients experience less pain
2nd The clearance rate is much better
3rd All patients were satisfied and would love to come back
“I have been a dermatologist with a focus on phlebology for 37 years. The sclerotherapy of the spider veins takes up a large space. Despite all the routines and experiences, it always happened that certain areas of spider veins proved to be resistant to therapy, even though they had been sclerosed properly. Apparently, the so-called feeder veins were not seen in these cases. These situations are unsatisfactory for both doctor and patient.
When I heard about Veinlite, I called several colleagues from the reference list who had been working with it for a while and asked about their experiences. I have never received such consistently positive information for similar actions in relation to other devices. All colleagues were thrilled.
Then I organized a workshop in my practice in May 2006 with 12 participants and an excellent speaker, Dr. Damisch from Salzburg, who demonstrated the handling of the Veinlite with dream-like security. The demonstration on my patients with difficult vein conditions was so convincing that all participants have since acquired a veinlite, especially since the price for the benefits that can be achieved is moderate.
I also bought and have worked with it since then and not only get better results, but also increased patient satisfaction. This was confirmed later by all the participants in the workshop, and the patients are extremely impressed, especially if you let them watch it yourself and you can follow how a previously invisible vein can now be seen, which then clears up under the sclerotherapy process. In summary, I can say that Veinlite is an absolute asset in my practice. "
“Even without this reflected light hand instrument, I had the impression that I was treating my vein patients well - be it surgery or sclerotherapy. Ever since I started working with the Veinlite, however, my day-to-day work has changed: with foam sclerotherapy, I can better identify the nutrient vein, which in particular reduces the rate of unsatisfactory results and failures when spider veins and venous malformations become obliterated. When marking before varicose vein surgery, deep branch varices can be marked quickly and safely, especially in patients with obesity or lipedema. This reduces postoperative varicose veins and early relapses.
The Veinlite saves time and improves not only the results, but also the satisfaction of patient and doctor. I can only advise every colleague who works in phlebology to use this aid. ”
“Veinlite belongs in the hands of every doctor working in phlebology. It is an optimal tool for the foam obliteration of reticular veins and for locating the veins of spider veins. In the miniphlebectomy, the veinlite is an optimal adjuvant for the representation of the enlarged venous plexus and thus enables a targeted interruption of crossing points and perforating veins.
My patients are often more impressed by the view of their vein network illuminated with Veinlite than the much more expensive color duplex ultrasound examination. Summary: Veinlite was an excellent investment from a medical and economic perspective. "
“The Veinlite is an effective tool for sclerotherapy of the feeding vein as part of the spider vein sclerotherapy. Furthermore, the individual vein branches can be exactly represented in the Varady mini phlebectomy. In the aesthetic area, Veinlite is an interesting aid for injections of botulinum toxin or fillers in the periorbital area, because hematomas can be avoided during the injection by precisely marking the vein conditions. "
“I have owned and used the larger Veinlite and the small pocket Veinlite for a year. The two devices are now indispensable in my phlebological practice. On the one hand, sclerotherapy, laser therapy and pre-operative mapping are much easier and more precise. On the other hand, the devices also serve to demonstrate to the patient that the feeding varices, which are not so clearly visible on the skin, should also be treated. The Veinlite also makes patient motivation much easier. ”
“We treat varices both surgically and with foam sclerotherapy or endoluminal laser technology. Spider vein varices are treated with the laser as well as with sclerotherapy. In all of these procedures, the Veinlite and the Veinlite LED are an ideal tool for safely marking and retreating enlarged reticular varices, crossing points and perforating veins.
The range of treatments in our laser center includes the treatment of varices, spider veins, hemangiomas, fire stains, telangiectasias (courperose) and childhood vascular malformations. In these areas, the Veinlite (in these cases the Veinlite LED) helps to locate and mark the feeding vessels safely so that the laser can be optimized and the treatment can be made more efficient.
It is also helpful and impressive for the patients to have problem areas in the vascular area shown in a bloodless manner and to have the further procedure explained. "
“I've been using the Veinlite for a year now. It has been shown that both the presentation of the veins before a puncture and - in very difficult vein conditions - the puncture itself can be optimally supported by the Veinlite instrument. In a small series (cave, not randomized), the primary hit rate was 95% (34/36) with Veinlite versus 55% (26/55) without Veinlite in patients with difficult venous conditions (n = 91 punctures) "
“19 year old, slightly obese patient after a traffic accident. No peripheral veins visible or palpable. Using Veinlite EMS, a vein was shown on the inside of the right forearm, which could be punctured in the first attempt.
Veinlite is also very good for short vein sections that are easy to display without Veinlite
helpful if there are uncertainties for the further course of the vein which would prevent the Braunulen catheter from being advanced. ”
“Last assignment in the emergency medical service: 45-year-old patient with 187 kg and elephant skin.
Without the handy Veinlite EMS, absolutely no vein or anything else was recognizable.
With the help of the instrument, however, a vein was recognizable. Although minimal, it was only enough for a blue Braunuli, but it was sitting and was our only way to administer medication. Kudos from the emergency doctor! "
“My husband and I are very satisfied with the purchase of the Veinlite EMS. It not only makes it easier for us to find the veins, but it also gives our anxious patients, who often have bad experiences with taking blood, the security of being punctured correctly. ”
The above experience reports were sent spontaneously, partly without prompting and partly at my request, by users of the Veinlite devices from the German-speaking countries and adopted in full without changes.
If interested, testimonials in English can also be sent by users outside of the German-speaking countries.
Reichertshausen, September 2019
A 9500 Villach, Fabriksteig 10/4
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